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  • The Training in Research for Academic Neurologists to Sustain Careers and Enhance the Numbers of Diverse Scholars (TRANSCENDS) Scholars program is funded by a National Institutes of Health (NIH) R25 grant and is a collaboration between SEQUINS, American Academy of Neurology, and the Medical University of South Carolina.

  • TRANSCENDS is designed to train promising early-career neurologists to conduct high-quality neurologic research and achieve a successful academic career.

  • Seven successive cohorts (>35 individuals) have matriculated into TRANSCENDS

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  • The Health Equity & Actionable Disparities in Stroke: Understanding and Problem-solving (HEADS-UP) symposium, is a multidisciplinary forum funded by NINDS and the American Stroke Association focused on major disparities in cerebrovascular disease, with the overarching goal of reducing disparities in stroke and accelerating translation of research findings to improve outcomes for disadvantaged socioeconomic groups.

  • HEADS-UP held in February of each successive year, featuring plenary talks by distinguished researchers, career development activities, and poster sessions. scientific disciplines, volunteer engagement from leaders in the field, financial support, worthwhile in-kind resources, and proven experience in implementing high impact programs.

  • Basic scientists, translational researchers and clinicians, seasoned investigators and early career scientists will be invited, but a major emphasis is to encourage active involvement of an early career cohort of investigators.

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Training Africans to Lead and Execute Neurological Trials & Studies (TALENTS) program funded by NINDS and Fogarty is set to build sustainable neurological research capacity in Africa through partnerships between US and African organizations. Six scholars are accepted into the program each year and exposed to educational, mentoring, and networking activities.

TALENTS Specific Aims are:

  • To select and retain 24 promising multidisciplinary scholars from a cross-national pool) committed to careers in neurological research

  • To increase scholars' scientific knowledge, professional skills, motivation, & credentials, in neurological research (Certificate Program, Master’s degree in Clinical Research, Think Tank Sessions, and Scientific Conference events

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  • Growing Research in Africa to Stimulate Progress (GRASP) is aimed at developing a sustainable cohort of scientists to tackle the brain health burden by improving the data · science skill of selected African scholars to unravel sociodemographic determinants and dietary and lifestyle factors affecting brain health and cardiovascular risk using the SIREN, ARISES, CHAIR, and other relevant datasets in H3Africa and DS-I Africa consortia and beyond.

  • This includes integrating sociodemographic data with cognitive, neuroimaging, genomics, climate, and geographical data, in mentored research projects and consortia-related activities in a multidisciplinary team of five selected researchers-in-training & their elite mentors annually for three years.

  • GRASP will increase the scholars' scientific knowledge, professional skills, motivation, & credentials in the field of translational data science research with a specific focus on Brain health with emphasis on identifying sociodemographic determinants and other markers and patterns in data from genomics, brain imaging, Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping & public health data.

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  • Stroke and Cardiovascular Research Training (SCaRT) is a consortium of NYU, UCSF, Loyola University and two African countries (Ghana and Nigeria) funded by NINDS and Fogarty.

  • It is enrolling 100 trainees in 4 cohorts of 25 trainees (12-13 from each country) in either a Health Services Research (HSR) track or a Patient-Oriented Research (POR) track. Trainees in the HSR track will be chosen from candidates with a background in public health (nurses, pharmacists, etc.), while those in the POR track will be chosen from a pool of physicians enrolled in postgraduate residency programs.

  • The unifying theme of both tracks is trainees’ common interest in stroke and CVD.

  • The 2-year program comprises: (a) three 2-week Intensive Research Courses in Year 1; and (b) a Mentored Research Experience in Year 2, during which trainees will conduct Mentored Research Projects and attend monthly Advance Seminars via WebEx to discuss their progress.

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ENgaging Leaders In Global and local HealTh Equity in Neurology (ENLIGHTEN) T32 training fellowship, is funded by NINDS and is an innovative 2-year program with the overarching goal of providing a formalized, in-depth mentored research experience and the support required to undertake stimulating postdoctoral training in neurologic health equity methods. 

The aims of ENLIGHTEN are:

Aim 1: To select a diverse qualified cohort of postdoctoral scientists (MD, MD/PhD, or PhD) with

  • superb potential to become innovative and effective leaders in neurologic health equity, with the goal of

  • reducing and eliminating health disparities and improving outcomes from neurological diseases globally

  • and locally.

Aim 2: To develop and augment research skills and scientific knowledge needed to make meaningful contributions to global and local neurologic health equity research.

Aim 3: To provide career mentorship that will enhance development of a productive academic career and support transition to an independent research program supported by external funding.

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Coming Soon

  • Early and sustained mentoring of very early career individuals interested in equity neuroscience

  • Will identify, match, and assign mentors for promising high school and undergraduate students interested in future careers in science or medicine

  • Will develop virtual and/or in-person options

Society for Equity Neuroscience

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